William Land Park
Location: 17th Avenue at Sutterville Road, Sacramento CA
Description: I haven't cruised here before, but found this mentioned online.
Cruisy toilet located near Sutterville Road and Land Park Drive, where 16th Avenue and 17th Avenue meet. Not a bad setup. The mirror on the wall allows a guy sitting on the can to see and be seen by the guy standing at first urinal. So, a tempting display can be made "discreetly." Just don't go when the amusement park is open or at least take it elsewhere. The other end of park has a little used can with a door.
Map: https://maps.google.com/maps?ll=38.538028,-121.50155&z=16&t=m&hl=en-US&gl=US&mapclient=embed&q=16th%20Ave%20%26%2017th%20Ave%20Sacramento%2C%20CA%2095822